As a guy who has his head buried in the 80s I probably spend an inordinate amount of time collecting old back issues of magazines like Cinemafantastique, Fangoria and Starlog.  I have a pretty extensive collection actually and love any excuse to go spelunking through the stacks looking for articles.  Since we decided to cover Young Sherlock Holmes this month on the Cult Film club I thought it would the perfect time to dive in and find some articles to scan and share.

Here are a couple of neat ones from Starlog.  The first is from January 1986, issue 102.  The article was written by Karen E. Bender and focused on Nicholas Rowe and Alan Cox, the teen stars of the flick…

102 Cover

Starlog 1-86 Issue 102 2


Starlog 1-86 Issue 102 3


Starlog 1-86 Issue 102 4

This second one is from the following month, February 1986, issue 103.  The article focuses on set designer Norman Reynolds and his elaborate work on some of the coolest set pieces in the film.  It was written by Adam Pirani…

Starlog 2-86 Issue 103 1

Starlog 2-86 Issue 103 2

Starlog 2-86 Issue 103 3

Starlog 2-86 Issue 103 4

Now, if I could only find a copy of the official souvenir magazine!